Crawling- The Most Common Misconception

A common misconception about child development is that both the timing, when they crawl, and the style, how they crawl doesn’t matter as long as they get mobile before 12months old. 

It is true that babies develop in their own unique way and style and no ‘one-size-fits all’.

Where I become concerned is when all is given the blanket acceptance of ‘normal’ when it is actually just becoming more ‘common’.

Babies usually learn to crawl between 6-10months old. There are many styles of crawling, including commando, bear crawl and crab crawling to name a few, but it is ‘cross-crawling’ or ‘creeping’, up on all-fours and moving opposite hand with opposite leg that has the most significant benefits for development.

Cross-crawling benefits include;

  1. Body strength and tone- the quadruped position helps strengthen hips, shoulders and back muscles which helps with posture as they grow to stand and walk.

  2. Motor planning- crawling is your baby’s first independent movement. They are building essential brain connections as to how to move their body in a productive way.

  3. Exploring their environment- exploring different surfaces and sensations outside and in the home environments is an enriched learning experience that grows your baby’s grain.

  4. Hand-eye coordination- moving with coordination to see where they want to go whilst managing their body position as they manoeuvre obstacles builds to more complex skills as they grow.

  5. Spatial skills- depth perception, eye tracking and learning to move through space all come into play with cross-crawling.

  6. Integrating Left and Right Body and Brain- coordinating both sides of the body to move together as well as the both hemispheres of the brain provides an essential foundation to not only more complex movements but learning, reading and writing.

Whilst some bubbas have different crawling styles, some crawling techniques are more beneficial for these areas of development and put less of a strain on their bodies.

Each child is different and will approach their milestones in their own unique style. Setting the right conditions for them to crawl well, starting with a strong, balanced and aligned body give them the best head start!

 Chiropractic can help babies achieve their milestones by ensuring that;

1. Their body’s are free from misalignments which restrict head, neck and body movement.

2. Check they are on track with their developmental milestones and recommend appropriate exercises.

3. Ensure their nervous system is working optimally for energy, ease and excellent development.

If you would like a chiropractic check up, follow the ‘Book a Consultation’ buttons on this website.

Keep thriving ! ✨

Dr Liana





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