Our holistic chiropractic approach allows people of all ages to experience the benefits of a well functioning nervous system.

The nervous system, including the brain, spinal cord and spinal nerves, are responsible for the adaptation, healing and overall function of the entire body.

A chiropractor is trained to assess the function and connectivity of the nervous system, restoring balance to any areas which have become dysregulated due to an accumulation of stressors (trauma, toxins, negative thoughts or the effect of technology).

Disconnections and misalignments within the nervous system disrupt the normal function of the body which may lead to symptoms.

A chiropractic checkup may be appropriate at any age and stage. We live in a fast paced and often overwhelming world. Our bodies are capable of amazing healing provided we set the right conditions for it to thrive, foremost being a strong and adaptable brain to body connection.

Little bodies go through a number of significant stressors that may affect the health of the nervous system and alignment of the spine.

A chiropractic check-up involves a thorough case history, review of goals and expectations and age appropriate examination. We do our very best to make it a stress-free and playful environment for your family.

If you decide to start chiropractic care for your baby a gentle adjustment will be performed using child-friendly techniques.

In your second visit, we will share our recommendations for care in order to get the best results.

It is common to seek chiropractic care for your baby when noticing;

  • Latching or breastfeeding difficulties

  • Unsettled

  • Poor muscle tone

  • Uneven head shape or plagiocephaly

  • Reduced ability to turn the head and neck

If you are unsure if chiropractic could help your child, consider booking a complimentary Discovery Call where we can discuss your needs specifically.

Chiropractic for Babies

Children undergo many stressors to their spine and nervous system. Knocks, bumps and falls, big emotions, postural stressors and sleeping difficulties.

By assessing your child’s health with a comprehensive history and examination we can detect if there is strain on their nervous system which may be compromising their quality of life.

It is common to seek chiropractic care for your child when noticing;

  • Clumsiness

  • Uneven or hunched posture

  • Head, neck and jaw tension

  • Emotional dysregulation and stress

  • Post-injury

If you are unsure if chiropractic could help your child, consider booking a complimentary Discovery Call where we can discuss your needs specifically.

Chiropractic for Children

Pregnancy is a wonderful time to consider supporting your body with chiropractic care.

Rapid changes in body alignment, hormones, nutritional needs and family circumstances can all be a source of stress on the spine and nervous system.

It is common to seek chiropractic care during pregnancy when noticing;

  • Hip and back pain

  • Sciatica

  • Discomfort and weakness

  • Breathing restriction

  • Poor mobility

Ensuring the optimal alignment of the pelvis and sacrum to support a healthy position for baby and in preparation for the birth is fundamental.

If you are unsure if chiropractic could help you during your pregnancy, consider booking a complimentary Discovery Call where we can discuss your needs specifically.

Chiropractic during Pregnancy

Looking after the health of your your spine and nervous system is important over your whole life.

One of the primary causes of many symptoms and health issues is a stressed nervous system. There are many other conditions in life that stress is not the original cause, but it is almost always involved.

There are a number of reasons people may decide to seek chiropractic care;

  1. Alleviate pain and symptoms

  2. Improve function and performance

  3. Optimise their overall health and wellbeing

At Vital Prana Chiropractic it is not my intention to ‘fix you’. I want your body to function incredibly well, from the inside-out. By supporting you with excellent chiropractic care we let your body lead the way in healing old patterns and symptoms that no longer serve you.

If you are unsure if chiropractic can help you, consider booking a complimentary Discovery Call where we can discuss your needs specifically.

Chiropractic for Adults