Unlock the Secrets to Stress-Free Living:

Join Our Vagus Nerve Journey for Busy Mums

Sign up for the March ‘24

Vagus Nerve Reset is now Closed!

The next reset will begin 1st June ‘24- you’re welcome to sign up below.

In the Free Vagus Nerve Reset You Will Learn To…

1. Master Stress Management:

Learn quick and effective techniques to manage daily stress, helping you stay calm and composed in the midst of a busy family life.

2. Enhance Sleep Quality:

Discover how to harness the power of the vagus nerve to improve your sleep, leading to better rest and more energized mornings.

3. Boost Your Family's Well-being:

Gain valuable insights and tools not just for yourself, but for your entire family, fostering a healthier, happier home environment.

4. Customizable to Fit Your Schedule:

Whether you have 5 minutes or 15, our program adapts to your time constraints, ensuring you can always fit wellness into your day.

5. Empower Your Children with Lifelong Skills:

Equip your children with simple, age-appropriate techniques to manage stress and emotions, setting the foundation for their long-term mental and emotional health.

The next Vagus Nerve Reset will begin on Saturday the 1st of June, 2024.

What to expect;

  • Daily morning email for 10 days, each with an impactful calming activity or exercise to reset your stress.

  • Options for child friendly activities to calm the nervous system.

  • Allow 10-15 minutes, ideally first thing in the morning to complete your activity.

  • Powerful knowledge about your nervous system, well-being and stress management.

There is no more profitable investment than investing in yourself. It is the best investment you can make; you can never go wrong with it. It is the true way to improve yourself to be the best version of you and lets you be able to best serve those around you.
— Roy T. Bennett, The Light in the Heart

What People Are Saying…

  • Thanking you for your practical and worthy course on the Vagus Nerve Reset. And the email reminders encouraging us to keep going. I loved all the activities especially the 5 minute meditation. I am really enjoying your videos and the simple and practical exercise.


  • The whole program was brilliant. I love how it doesn't take much time. It's a good reminder for people that small actions count for yourself & others.


  • I am enjoying the Vagus Nerve Reset, loving the activities…. I am already feeling a sense of calmness & just gives me a great start to the day.


What is the Vagus Nerve?

  • The Vagus nerve is the longest cranial nerve in the body, we have a set of 2 which start from the back of your brain and travel all the way to your digestive tract.

  • When we engage our Vagus nerve we are in the Rest/Digest/Reproduce (Parasympathetic) part of our nervous system, the opposite of the Fight/Flight (Sympathetic).

  • More time in the calm part of our nervous system means we are =

    -Happier and calmer

    -Digesting better

    -Sleeping better

    -More connected within ourselves and relationships

    -More creative and have more clarity

    This means we have access to our authentic and best version of ourselves, as opposed to the ‘little self’ who often gets caught in blame, panic, anger, resentment and apathy (also known as ‘fight/flight’).

Let’s go on a journey together and discover how simple daily tools can profoundly impact not only your life, but all those who surround you.